For Women Only
A Desire to be Intimate with Abba Father – A Ministry For Women Only
Declare the Word | Empower One Another | Heal the Broken

For Women Only is an authentic collaboration of Women meeting together in worship, to support each other in transparency to be all that God has created us to be.

Resources For Women
We are clothing kids in dignity by providing clothing and shoes for children in need and foster children age newborn to 18 in a boutique setting. This allows our clients to select items that reflect their style while filling a basic need.
Sharing God’s Love from the hearts and closets of others. Sharing the gospel with women while blessing them with New and Gently used clothing.

Our Partners
1DivineLine2Health is a 501(c)3 public charity based on the West Side of Columbus, Ohio. 1DL2H provides Christ-Centered Care to the sick who have no access to healthcare. We are compassionate messengers who deliver healing to the broken mind, body, soul and spirit.

Sisters in Christ Outreach
Sharing God’s Love from the hearts and closets of others. Sharing the gospel with women while blessing them with New and Gently used clothing.

Buffy St. John
Buffy St. John was raised under the influence of legendary evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman. Now a resident of Springfield, Missouri, Buffy sings and preaches on the foreign mission field and in churches and other Christian settings in the United States. She is married to Kim Stensrud, an accomplished drummer, who she met at Hope Chapel.

Declare the Word
Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through multi-media that souls may be saved and believers in Jesus Christ the Son of God may live effective victorious lives as they learn to “declare the word.” Declare The Word International is a State of Missouri nonprofit Corporation under 501(c)3 status governed by an Executive Board of Directors. All contributions and charitable donations to Declare The Word International or Buffy St. John Ministries are tax deductible.

Courageous Business Connect
To connect like-minded business people together to help build each other up and help grow our business together. By investing in each other, we build our community.